Let Me Tell You 'Bout My Best Friends...

My husband is my best friend, and my favorite human.... but long before I ever met him, I had my best girlfriends in the world.

I had met Beth and Tasha years ago, in college. We were classmates with the same major and so we almost always had the same classes. We were friends, but not like kind you hang out with regularly. One spring break,  there was a small group trip to Gatlinburg, and by the time we left, I knew I had made my lifelong friends.

We have seen each other through so many things. We don't have to talk every day to know that we are there...but I definitely think that as we have gotten older, and have had more life events, we talk more.  They are the most supportive, honest, funny, and both humble people you will ever meet. They both are hard workers, love their families and so smart it will amaze you!

As much as we have in common, we have many differences.

Beth is a farm girl, who is surrounded by cows, dogs, and the most beautiful farm land that you will ever see. It has often been my quiet place to go when my heart has been broken, or if I needed to just get away from my world for a little while.

Tasha is our traveler! She loves going to the beach, taking a cruise, and she is always on the move. I don't think she spends the weekends sitting at home, ever! Two beautiful children, and a husband that make up her world, she is also extremely close to her sister and parents.

These two women help make me a better women, wife, and friend. I honestly think more of them as my family (and, its nothing for each of us to invite the others to family events), than my friends, and I couldn't love them anymore if they were my sisters!

I know, with out a shadow of a doubt, that God himself picked these two to be my friends, and my sisters by choice!

The picture below is from my wedding in October 2017...it sums up our friendship perfectly...and is one of my favorite photos from our wedding.

and now for a more formal photo:

I hope that everyone can have friends as wonderful and special as these two!


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