My Biggest Regret

It's probably not what you think. It's not a job, or a relationship, or wardrobe choices...
it's not something I purchased or didn't purchase, or somewhere I went or didn't go. 
I am fairly young, and as long as I am alive, I will continue to make choices the best I can.

My biggest regret so far in life is not being present in the moment. Not cherishing the time that I am in, and not soaking up every experience through every one of my senses.

We live in a fast paced world. We need what we need and we need it yesterday. We run at a break neck pace to keep up with schedules that are crammed full of errands, chores, bills to pay, and places to go. We also live in a world where we are so focused on posting life to our social media that we aren't present for the moments in our lives. Or, we constantly have our phones out and we are scrolling while talking to someone or while we are doing another task. We are so interested in what another is doing that we are missing out on our own lives!

I am so very guilty of this. I miss out on fully participating in conversations, or in enjoyable moments, because I'm too busy seeing what others are doing. I feel like I have to carry my phone with me every where. And then I think, this is insanity. No one should be tethered to any device that does not give live.

So, I'm making changes. I'm deleting apps off my phone that suck me in. I can now only use them on my laptop, which in a turn of irony, can only be used if its plugged in, until I replace the battery, so it stays on the desk. I will vow to leave my phone in another room or in a desk drawer when at work. Or if I have it out at work, because I enjoy listening to podcasts while I'm working, I will place it upside down and at the back of my desk out of site so that I am not as tempted to "grab and scroll". I will focus my time and energy on what I am doing. I think I will find that I am more efficient and find more joy and less worry through this. A real conversation with friends. Watching a baseball game, or enjoying a movie, going for a walk and actually enjoying the environment around me.

I'm looking forward to these changes. I'm looking forward to my quality of life improving, while my social media time decreases.  I'm welcoming the less stress.

Happy Monday Everyone!


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