
Showing posts from September, 2018
What does a weekend look like for you? I am usually go, go , go, and getting my lists done. However, these last two weekends, I don't feel like doing anything. I make a list of things to do, and then I accomplish none of it. I don't know if I am just tired from the summer, or if the weather is changing and is just making me tired, or what.. but I have got to get on a ball! We have the holidays coming up and they are always a big deal for decorating and food preparations, so, the things I have planned, I need to get done. The last two weekends, I drag myself out of bed, drink coffee, and lay around until football games come on.  Blah... Today, we did manage to run some errands and do some laundry. But now, its dinner in the crockpot and Hallmark Channel movies. Anyone else feeling a little blah??

If I had a nickel..

If I had a nickel for every time I thought about making a post, I would be rich.But it is always at the times where I can't. Not to mention that our computer died, so I'm trying to figure out to maintain it without one. Tablets and phones just aren't great for blogging. There really aren't any really great apps. But, I've caught a few minutes, so, here is an update on where we are... We are pretty settled... Our year anniversary is coming up next month. I don't know how a whole year has passed so fast. Life just goes on every day, no matter what, doesn't it? Our jobs are good. Holding steady and changing all at the same time. Next week, I begin to work from home some. Which just strengthens my desire to eventually be a stay at home mom. I never thought I would want that. But, I do. Its a goal we are working towards... and on that note.. No... we aren't pregnant.... We actually aren't even trying right now. I had a small out  patient surgery i...