
Showing posts from September, 2017

Opinions are like Elbows....

This weekend, I engaged in a discussion on social media about tattoos and faith. I honestly wish I had kept my opinions to myself. Not because I think that they are wrong... but because there are some people who are so closed off to any ideas other than their own, that they will not listen. I wish I could post screen shots of the conversation, but the original poster of the topic has taken it down.  I'm not going to get into thoughts of the debate here, but I will just say this. I have tattoos. Three of them. And I think Jesus loves me just the same as those who do not. But opinions are like elbows right? Most everyone has them. Just like points of view, or sides to the story..... Everyone wants to be heard... That's really what social media is now, right? A platform for other's views... It used be fun. It used to be just when people took pictures of their kids doing funny things, or what they made for dinner, or their Christmas tree decorated in front o...

37 Days

We have 37 days until our wedding. I cannot wait. I am so ready. But I keep thinking of things that need to be done. That's normal, right? This morning, when I walked outside, it felt like fall, and I loved it. LOVED it. I keep looking at the picture of my wedding gown... I can no wait until I can see how it all comes together. My biggest worry is that the reception will be boring. And I will hate it if it is. So, here's hoping the DJ is as fabulous as I hope he is and that its fun! The days are passing so fast. It will be here before I know it. And I'll be on my honeymoon before I know it. And then I'll be back at work before I know it. I hope there are tons of pictures so I can have it all remembered. 37 more days....